2016年1月24日 星期日

Love Story 201 Alan & Jacky

    After cleaning the dirty toilet, Justin walked outside from the restroom feeling exhausted. Suddenly, he was attracted to a pool of blood. Although he was afraid, he still approached to it. He was determined to find out who bled and who hurt the person. He walked along the aisle, coming to the boss's office. Startled, he heard someone was breathing. He took a closer look at the corner. There was a charming girl lying in the blood. The girl is so pretty that he couldn't take his eyes off her. "Is this blood from her?" he thought. It was not until that girl opened her eyes that Justin found there was a gun in her hand.
Then he knew that the blood was not from her. "Who are you? Another killer?" the girl said. Justin was too afraid to answer her question. Suddenly, the girl got close to him at an alarming speed and gave him the gun. Justin couldn't understand why she did that, but running away was the last thing that he would do. "Please kill me. I can't keep seeing my friends killed by me." said the girl, crying. Justin felt confused whether the girl was tricking him into her trap. So he was about to ask her what's going on here. The girl kept begging him to pull the trigger. "There is no time to wait!! I may kill you after I am unconscious!" The girl shouted to Justin. But when Justin saw her for the first time, he knew that he had a crush on her. All he wanted to do was to come to her rescue although he had no power.
    "I'm a hero. I will never give up any chance to save a person!" he said to her. When the girl heard what he said, she calmed down and told him that she was cursed by a witch. She couldn't love anyone, even her family and friends. All the people she loved would be killed by her. Because of the curse, her family and her friends were killed. Her heart collapsed, with all the guilt occupying her mind. After listening to her story, Justin held her hands to keep her warm and said, "It doesn't matter that you becomes a killer. I will be happy with you by my side. You have gone through many tortures. Now, just relax." The girl was crying in his arms. "My name is Victoria, Justin." Justin was surprised that Victoria knew his name. Everything was going well until Victoria fell in love with him. Victoria's body was not controlled. She tried to kill Justin. And Justin failed to escape her attack. He was seriously injured. Victoria felt extremely helpless. She could only watch him die. Before she could deliver the fatal blow, she finally could move one of her hands. She picked up the gun and pointed at herself. There was only one way to save Justin, killing herself. By the time Victoria pointed the gun at herself, Justin had hugged her with the strength left, trying to stop her. "Don't leave me alone, Victoria!" After he said the words, he kissed her. With the sound of gunfire, there were two people lying in a pool of blood. They held their hands together and smiles were on their faces. There was a bullet hole on the wall and the curse was destroyed by love. They wanted nothing more than to be with each other right then and there. "I can read your mind. I knew you were not a hero, but you never gave up the chance to help people. That is what a hero would do." "Just because I am a hero, I have to protect you forever." the boy replied.

