2016年1月24日 星期日

Love Story 204 Linda, Amos and David 鄭

Long time ago, Hannah was traveling in Japan. While she was waiting for the bus, she was bored. So she used the whotalk app. Then she met a boy, Andy. She found he had a magnetic personality. They talked a lot about their life. A few days later, they decided to exchange their photo. The moment Hannah saw the photo, she couldn't take her eyes off Andy's photo. As a result, she was determined to finish her trip earlier at an alarming speed.

When Hannah came back to Taiwan, she found that Andy was actually her new coworker! She felt like that Andy was the one she had been looking for for so many years. Nervous and excited, Hannah asked him out for dinner, and he answered yes quickly. It's amazing for both Andy and Hannah. They had no experience of dating a person before they first met. But it didn't matter at all. Everything went well and they fell in love that night, deciding to hold each other's hands forever until the day.
One day, Hannah was shopping in Big City when suddenly, she heard a voice familiar to her. What was that? Andy! That was Andy, with a girl by his side! Hannah was angry. She walked to them, asking Andy, "Who is she?" "Rita, my... " Not wanting to waiting for the explanation, Hannah left with her tear rolling down her face. Andy rushed to her, stopping her from running away. "What if she is my sister?" Andy asked. Hearing that, Hannah was so embarrassed. "It's important for you to trust me," Andy said again. "After the hurt of my ex-girlfriend, I haven't had any feeling of love until the second I saw you. I was left with no doubt that you are my destiny." said Andy to Hannah. Touched, Hannah said, "Me too. I want nothing more than to be with you, forever and ever."

