2015年11月25日 星期三

Story in songs: Daniel Powter Bad Day

(from 204 group 12 Hannah, Leon, and David)
Two strangers live their own lives. They work in the nearby buildings and take the same subway to work. They don’t know each other until a billboard link the two people. On the billboard is a girl holding a cup of coffee sitting in the park on a sunny day. But the main actor and main actress make this billboard more vivid.

Far away from home

From 204 Glay, Andy黃, Harry

The band was composed of four people but nobody knew that one of their members was sick when she fainted once. After she went to hospital, she was diagnosed with advanced uremia. The hospital officially informed her that she was dying and her survival time is not much. At that time,  she composed this song during the little time left.

2015年11月24日 星期二

I am not the only one

( from 204 group 9 Matt, Stanley, Rean and Jack )

    There was a man who found that his wife had cheated on him for a long time. All the romantic memory and vows they had were broken when he found the truth.
    Although the man was full of sorrow, he knew that he still loved her and could not leave her. So they still stay together.

2015年11月22日 星期日

Story in songs:21 Guns

(from 204 group 8 ING, Eric, Ivan, and Brady)

21guns means the highest glory that country gave. This song surrounds two subjects. One is to lay down a heavy burden,another is to stop war, killing, and death. Create a peaceful world.

Story in song: Down by the Sally Gardens

(201 03 Willis 05 Hermes 13 Jacky 16 Alan)

    I was young man. One day I walked down by the sally gardens and I saw her. She was girl who was covered by the snow – white skin. I fell love with her immediately. I walked toward to her and asked for a date. She turned to me and said “You take love easy, as the leaves grow on the tree.’’  I didn’t what that meant then. I thought she just rejected me.

Story in the song:Space Oddit

(from 204 Owen Tom 威志 宏盛)
    In this song, Major Tom is an imaginary character. He was created by David Bowie, and this song was also written by him. This song was set at the time after Armstrong landed on the moon, although Armstrong’s journey was ended, but Major Tom was still drifting in the space.

Story in song: 那些年

(201 21 Carol 22 Chiro 24 Kelly 15 Steven)
      When we were students in the same senior high school and the same class, my seat was behind yours. You always blamed me so gently and I really enjoyed your tender voice. During the math class, we solved the answers to the questions on the blackboard together. Those old photos under the table mat connecting with countless precious memories. We had a wonderful time and the delightful experience had always remained crystal clear in my mind. 

Story in song-家後

江蕙-家後 (from 204 group 4 Elma Dan Rachel Cindy)

A girl made the acquaintance of a boy when they were young.The boy was weak, so his mother got a prayed tag in a temple, the god told her if she wants her son to be healthy, she must find a daughter-in-law. So his parents spent a lot of money, trying to arrange a marriage. Finally, they found a girl and they fell deeply in love. But her husband's father lost a lot of money and left, so their family become very poor.

Story in song: 無字碑

(from 201 group 2 Leo Joe Kevin Jack)
    This story happened a thousand years ago. There were wars everywhere. A little girl was looking for her true love in the palace.
    It seems like she had a wonderful life. Actually, she got nothing in the end. The girl was pure at the first. After lots of years, she experienced so many things and she grew up. She tried hard to find her true love but there were wars everywhere. She got a chance to enter the palace but there were lots of girls envying for her beauty.

Story in song-Someone Like You

Someone Like You (From 201 group 5 Jackson Draven Willy Andy)
    A boy was dating a girl who always hurt him. One day, she broke up with him and told him, "I don't ever want to see you again."

    A few months later, the girl had a ill of her body. She realized that she loved the boy, so she went back and said to him, "Give me just one more chance. I love you and I need you. I promise that I will never hurt you again."

Story in song : Rude

Magic Band-Rude(from 201 group 7 子媛, 梓容, Kitty)
    It is a story about a man who want to marry his girlfriend, but his girlfriend’s father didn’t like that man because the man is too poor to support a home to his daughter and a family. Therefore, his girlfriend’s father was always rude to him. One day, the man wanted to give his girlfriend a surprise, so he got up early and wore on his best suit, looking very different from before. Then, he drove a fast an arrow on fire to her home. 

Story in song-Titanium

(from class 204 Wayne, Orange, Jonathan, Andrew)
    There were a couple of lovers. They loved each other very much. The man promised the woman he would marry her. Unfortunately, the capricious man fell in love with another woman. After the woman know that, she was very angry. 

2015年11月21日 星期六

Story in song: 知足

知足- Mayday (from 201 group 4 Joan, Eva, Sheena and Candy)

The girl had impaired hearing and could hear vaguely. She didn't have any friends. Everyone laughed at her because she could not hear people talking well. Although the girl could not hear well, she liked sounds. Flute playing fron the distance, cicada on the tree, basketball shooting into the basket. What she only could do was taking a recorder to record these sounds. Then she listened to that carefully close to her ear. The boy knew the girl's difficulty. He played the flute next to her ear. He shot the basketball into the basket for the girl. He made a lot of sounds which the girl wanted. The boy liked the girl. He wanted to protect her and went everywhere with the girl. The girl grew up day by day, with the boy's company. 

Story in song-The One That Got Away

(from Class 204 Kitty, Anita, Linda, Nicole )

An old lady called Mrs. Katy lived with regret. She always prayed in the morning. After that she would have a breakfast. But today, her husband found that she was gone. Having no idea, he just stayed at home and waited for her to come back and eat breakfast.    

Story in songs: She will be loved

(from 204 group 3 Brian Bill Saxon Edwin)
    There is a tragic story in the song. A stupid boy fell in love with a glamorous girl. He always paid love for the girl but didn’t get the girl’s return. And the girl only thought of the boy when she was sad. However, the boy still loves the girl even though the girl will always regard him as a good friend.
    The lyrics of this song are quite moving. Those who have experienced of having a crush on someone must be able to fully appreciate this song. So sad!

Great Recording from 201 Sheena and 204 Nicole

Sheena's recording "Positive Think: Look on the Bright Side"
Imagine you are a news report on a radio!!

Nicole's recording "Annabel Lee"
Very touching and enchanting reading of the love poem...

Story in songs: You Belong With Me

  (from 204 Group7 Stephanie Alice Susan David)  
  In a town lives a girl name Amy. She is an ordinary girl with a typical life. At the age of sixteen, she found herself falling in love with her childhood partner – Tom, who live next door. But Tom just see her as a close friend, and doesn’t want to date with her.

     One typical night, as Amy is doing her homework in her room, she looks out of the window and finds that Tom is arguing with someone. “Maybe it is his girlfriends.” says Amy. With a curious heart she sends a text to him and ask “What’s wrong?”

2015年11月15日 星期日

Story in songs: Love story

Taylor Swift - Love Story

(from Class 204 Heidi, Lucy, Bella, and Grace)

The Capulets and Montagues were two large feuding families in a city, and often clashed with each other. The Montagues had a 17-year-old son called Romeo, who was well loved by everyone as he was well-behaved and mannerly. One day, Rosaline, a girl that he liked, was sent into a convent. Romeo was disappointed. His friend suggested,“Lets sneak into the Capulet’s banquet and find some prettier girls!” Thus, they masked themselves and sneaked in.

2015年11月12日 星期四

How to Post an Article on the Blogger

Dear students, 
You are welcome to post your writings here on the blogger. To post a writing as well as a link/picture to the blogger, you need to be invited as a co-author by Lillie. After you get the invitation of a co-author, you can start to write an article here.

When you come to our blogger, you can see the new article sign (新文章) on the right top of the main page. Click on it and you will enter the page of editing. (編輯)

To post a complete article with a link/ picture, you need to 
(1) key in your topic, 
(2) key in your writing, 
(3) add your link or picture or video and 
(4) save (儲存), preview (預覽)  and publish (發表) your article. 
And everyone can read your story with the song!!