A boy named Tom was on his way to school. "How boring life is!" he thought. Then a group of girls passed by him, chatting, "There is going to be a new student in our class!" "Really?! A boy or a girl?" "I heard someone day it was a girl, and a very rich one." At the moment, a car stopped in front to the school gate. Out stepped a girl who attracted Tom's eyes. Tom couldn't take his eyes off the girl. The girl had white skin, a slender figure, and long black hair which will shine in the sun. "She is so beautiful. I want to get close to her," thought Tom. Suddenly
English Everywhere 2015
English is everywhere and English will get you everywhere!! This is an open space for Class 201, 204, and 216. Here students can get resources and exchange ideas about English learning.
2016年1月24日 星期日
Love Story 204 Stanley, Lucy and Andy 劉
Staring a new high school life away from home is never easy, especially for the bald and gray hair. An extraordinary girl named Elma walked on the sidewalk to the new high school. She is attracted to a boy who runs at an alarming speed. In fact, that's because a dog is chasing him. He is handsome, and Elma couldn't take her eyes off him.
Love Story 204 Linda, Amos and David 鄭
Long time ago, Hannah was traveling in Japan. While she was waiting for the bus, she was bored. So she used the whotalk app. Then she met a boy, Andy. She found he had a magnetic personality. They talked a lot about their life. A few days later, they decided to exchange their photo. The moment Hannah saw the photo, she couldn't take her eyes off Andy's photo. As a result, she was determined to finish her trip earlier at an alarming speed.
Love Story 204 Andy 黃, Heidi and Rachel
Starting in 204 is never easy, especially for the ugly and disagreeable Tom Although many classmates disliked him, it was not until he ran across the most beautiful girl, Lillie, that he changed his bad habit. he was attracted to her white skin, lovely hair and her sweet voice. Tom couldn't take his eyes off her.
One day Lillie was just about to ran into downpour when suddenly,
One day Lillie was just about to ran into downpour when suddenly,
Love Story 204 Brady, Nicole, Ivan and Vincent
Long, long time ago, there was a boy name Andy. He lived in a small village. Growing up without an adult around was never easy, especially for a weak boy like Andy. Although faint, Andy was determined to become strong. One day, he went into a forest to hunt. However, he got lost. He was so nervous that he fell into other hunter's trap. Near the trap, there was a spider and the spider bit him. When it was about to deliver its fatal blow, there was a masculine woman, Vivian, came to his rescue at an alarming speed. She fought with her bare hands and killed the spider.
Love Story 204 Johnathan, Bella and Alice
One day, Leo walked on the corridor. Suddenly, he saw a girl fight with others with her bare hands. Leo was attracted to the girl. When the girl delivered the fatal blow, Leo couldn't take his eyes off her. And then the girl ran away at an alarming speed. Leo was so driven that he wan't even aware that the thoughts of the girl began to occupy his mind every minute of the day. For the first time in his life, he had a huge crush on a girl.
Love story 201 Rong, Yuan, Kitty
Starting a new high school life away from home is never easy, especially for the shy and awkward Ken. By the time Ken got to school, one teacher Jeff had been attracted to Ken. Jeff couldn't take his eyes off Ken. Jeff always picked him in class to answer questions and he always answered it at an alarming speed. After a while, Jeff was completely inn love with Ken. And he thought Ken felt the same way.
Love Story 201 Willy & Kevin
One day, a girl named Sky traveled alone on a cruise ship. It was the first time in her life. She had a deal with her mother. They planned to have a trip together. Everything was going well until her mom passed away. She only could finish it by herself. It's hard for a girl to travel alone, especially for a girl who got a serious cancer. Although her health condition was bad, Sky was determined to complete the dream between her mother and her.
Love Story 201 Candy & Eva
Turisa was sad because her boyfriend loved another girl. She ran to the garret and wanted to stay alone. She was heart-broken and cried loudly. Marco was sleeping there and saw Turisa. He came and asked what happened to her. When he heard that Turisa forgave her ex-boyfriend and blessed the couple, he thought she had a soft heart. He was attracted to her and couldn't take his eyes off her. Although Marco and Turisa were classmates, it was not until that day that they talked. Destiny made their paths cross again. They got close at an alarming speed. Everything was going well until Jenny showed up.
Love Story 201 Carol & Chiro & Kelly
Leading characters: Christina, Ethan
"Beep--," a hand tuns off the alarm clock. There is a moment of silence. Then a scream goes off. Christina grabs her key and a file, rushing out of the door. She shouts in her mind, "Boss will kill me!" She is so nervous that she isn't aware that there is a man standing in front of her. She bumps into him. A piece of paper flies out of her document without her knowledge. There isn't enough time for her to check the man's appearance. She only leaves a quick "sorry." It isn't until she steps into the meeting room that she realizes something is lost.
"Beep--," a hand tuns off the alarm clock. There is a moment of silence. Then a scream goes off. Christina grabs her key and a file, rushing out of the door. She shouts in her mind, "Boss will kill me!" She is so nervous that she isn't aware that there is a man standing in front of her. She bumps into him. A piece of paper flies out of her document without her knowledge. There isn't enough time for her to check the man's appearance. She only leaves a quick "sorry." It isn't until she steps into the meeting room that she realizes something is lost.
Love Story 201 Alan & Jacky
After cleaning the dirty toilet, Justin walked outside from the restroom feeling exhausted. Suddenly, he was attracted to a pool of blood. Although he was afraid, he still approached to it. He was determined to find out who bled and who hurt the person. He walked along the aisle, coming to the boss's office. Startled, he heard someone was breathing. He took a closer look at the corner. There was a charming girl lying in the blood. The girl is so pretty that he couldn't take his eyes off her. "Is this blood from her?" he thought. It was not until that girl opened her eyes that Justin found there was a gun in her hand.
Love Story 201 Sheena & Joan
Everyone knows the story "The Red Riding Hood." But not everyone knows where the Wolf went after the story. Let us tell you where he went.
The Wolf saw that the Red Riding Hood was snatched by her grandmother. Frustrated, he walked on the path alone. He was just about to get into his house when, suddenly, a white thing bumped into him. The white thing was the rabbit who was running a race with the turtle, only to get lost in the forest. The rabbit fell down and sprained his ankle after he bumped into the Wolf.
The Wolf saw that the Red Riding Hood was snatched by her grandmother. Frustrated, he walked on the path alone. He was just about to get into his house when, suddenly, a white thing bumped into him. The white thing was the rabbit who was running a race with the turtle, only to get lost in the forest. The rabbit fell down and sprained his ankle after he bumped into the Wolf.
2016年1月20日 星期三
Dear Students, 寒假作業第二項(Picture Book Dubbing or TED speeches summary & recommendation) 請依以下步驟完成: 1)請你錄好音或寫完摘要及推薦文後上傳至你自己的Google Drive 2)將你Google Drive的這個檔案連結貼至Blogger你那組文章區的「留言」處,同時也要加上你配音繪本的連結或TED演講的連結。 3)如何找到你的組別: 以班為單位,每4人為一組,例如 1-4號為Group 1,5-8號為Group 2,以此類推。 此項作業請在開學日(2/15)前完成!! 寒假作業第一項請在開學日繳交紙本。 (寒假作業詳細內容見winter-vacation-assignments) 另外提醒 寒假作業複習考(第三冊單字片語句型) 2/17上午考 單字書複習考開學後進度如下: Unit 1-5 2/19晨考, Unit 6-10 2/22晨考,Unit 11-15 2/26晨考 | ||||||||
Winter Assignment 216 Group 3
Members: Coco Eleesa Emily Cherry Ivy
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Winter Assignment 216 Group 2
Members:Bella Minnie Lulu Winnie
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Winter Assignment 216 Group 1
Members: Shan Anna Judy Debbie
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Winter Assignment 204 Group 11
Members: Grace, Linda, Nicole, Elma
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Upload your assignment in the comments. Please add the link to your Picture Book Dubbing audio or TED speeches.
Winter Assignment 204 Group 10
Members: Stephanie, Rachel, Heidi, Bella, Lucy
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Upload your assignment in the comments. Please add the link to your Picture Book Dubbing audio or TED speeches.
Winter Assignment 204 Group 9
Members: Cindy Kitty Hannah Susan Dan
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Winter Assignment 204 Group 8
Members: Brady ,Vincent, Edwin, No. 48
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Upload your assignment in the comments. Please add the link to your Picture Book Dubbing audio or TED speeches.
Winter Assignment 204 Group 7
Members: Andy Liu, Brian, David , Jack
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Upload your assignment in the comments. Please add the link to your Picture Book Dubbing audio or TED speeches.
Winter Assignment 204 Group 6
Members: David Johnathan Ivan 信良
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Upload your assignment in the comments. Please add the link to your Picture Book Dubbing audio or TED speeches.
Winter Assignment 204 Group 5
Members: Orange, Leon, Wayne, Andy Huang
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Upload your assignment in the comments. Please add the link to your Picture Book Dubbing audio or TED speeches.
Winter Assignment 204 Group 4
Members: Owen Rean Andrew Bill
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Winter Assignment 204 Group 3
Members: Saxon Harry Tom Amos
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Upload your assignment in the comments. Please add the link to your Picture Book Dubbing audio or TED speeches.
Winter Assignment 204 Group 2
Members: 寬豪 Ing Eric Stanley
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Upload your assignment in the comments. Please add the link to your Picture Book Dubbing audio or TED speeches.
Winter Assignment 204 Group 1
Memebers: Wayne Glay Nicholas Mattast
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Upload your assignment in the comments. Please add the link to your Picture Book Dubbing audio or TED speeches.
Winter Assignment 201 Group 7
Members: Sheena Kitty Candy
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Upload your assignment in the comments. Please add the link to your Picture Book Dubbing audio or TED speeches.
Winter Assignment 201 Group 6
Members: Carol Chiro Eva Kelly
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Upload your assignment in the comments. Please add the link to your Picture Book Dubbing audio or TED speeches.
Winter Assignment 201 Group 5
Members: Willy Joan Tzu Yuan Rong
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Upload your assignment in the comments. Please add the link to your Picture Book Dubbing audio or TED speeches.
Winter Assignment 201 Group 4
Members: Jacky Simon Steven Alan
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Upload your assignment in the comments. Please add the link to your Picture Book Dubbing audio or TED speeches.
Winter Assignment 201 Group 3
Members: Eric Joe Kevin Jack
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Upload your assignment in the comments. Please add the link to your Picture Book Dubbing audio or TED speeches.
Winter Assignment 201 Group 2
Members: Hermes Leo Draven Andy
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Upload your assignment in the comments. Please add the link to your Picture Book Dubbing audio or TED speeches.
Winter Assignment 201 Group 1
Members: Winson, Willy Liu, Willis, Jackson
Upload your assignment in the comments. Please add the link to your Picture Book Dubbing audio or TED speeches.
Upload your assignment in the comments. Please add the link to your Picture Book Dubbing audio or TED speeches.
2016年1月13日 星期三
Winter vacation assignments
1 Book 3 單字片語+句型 (開學後複習考)
2 四選二 (I II選一個,開學後交紙本; A B 選一個,上傳Blogger)
I) A letter to Studio Classroom (寄給Studio時請同時寄副本給 lillie.et@gmail.com)
II) Summary of Reading Bring Rewards (Unit 27~40, 選3篇, 各100字內,手寫打字皆可)
A) Picture Book Dubbing
B) TED (2 speeches, summary + recommendation, more than 100 words)
2015年11月25日 星期三
Story in songs: Daniel Powter Bad Day
(from 204 group 12 Hannah, Leon, and David)
Two strangers live their own lives. They work in the nearby buildings and take the same subway to work. They don’t know each other until a billboard link the two people. On the billboard is a girl holding a cup of coffee sitting in the park on a sunny day. But the main actor and main actress make this billboard more vivid.
Far away from home
From 204 Glay, Andy黃, Harry
2015年11月24日 星期二
I am not the only one
( from 204 group 9 Matt, Stanley, Rean and Jack )
There was a man who found that his wife had cheated on him for a long time. All the romantic memory and vows they had were broken when he found the truth.
Although the man was full of sorrow, he knew that he still loved her and could not leave her. So they still stay together.
There was a man who found that his wife had cheated on him for a long time. All the romantic memory and vows they had were broken when he found the truth.
Although the man was full of sorrow, he knew that he still loved her and could not leave her. So they still stay together.
2015年11月22日 星期日
Story in song: Down by the Sally Gardens
(201 03 Willis 05 Hermes 13 Jacky 16 Alan)
I was young man. One day I walked down by the sally gardens and I saw her. She was girl who was covered by the snow – white skin. I fell love with her immediately. I walked toward to her and asked for a date. She turned to me and said “You take love easy, as the leaves grow on the tree.’’ I didn’t what that meant then. I thought she just rejected me.
Story in the song:Space Oddit
(from 204 Owen Tom 威志 宏盛)
In this song, Major Tom is an imaginary character. He was created by David Bowie, and this song was also written by him. This song was set at the time after Armstrong landed on the moon, although Armstrong’s journey was ended, but Major Tom was still drifting in the space.Story in song: 那些年
(201 21 Carol 22 Chiro 24 Kelly 15 Steven)
When we were students in the same senior high school and the same class, my seat was behind yours. You always blamed me so gently and I really enjoyed your tender voice. During the math class, we solved the answers to the questions on the blackboard together. Those old photos under the table mat connecting with countless precious memories. We had a wonderful time and the delightful experience had always remained crystal clear in my mind. Story in song-家後
江蕙-家後 (from 204 group 4 Elma Dan Rachel Cindy)
A girl made the acquaintance of a boy when they were young.The boy was weak, so his mother got a prayed tag in a temple, the god told her if she wants her son to be healthy, she must find a daughter-in-law. So his parents spent a lot of money, trying to arrange a marriage. Finally, they found a girl and they fell deeply in love. But her husband's father lost a lot of money and left, so their family become very poor.
A girl made the acquaintance of a boy when they were young.The boy was weak, so his mother got a prayed tag in a temple, the god told her if she wants her son to be healthy, she must find a daughter-in-law. So his parents spent a lot of money, trying to arrange a marriage. Finally, they found a girl and they fell deeply in love. But her husband's father lost a lot of money and left, so their family become very poor.
Story in song: 無字碑
(from 201 group 2 Leo Joe Kevin Jack)
This story happened a thousand years ago. There were wars everywhere. A little girl was looking for her true love in the palace.
It seems like she had a wonderful life. Actually, she got nothing in the end. The girl was pure at the first. After lots of years, she experienced so many things and she grew up. She tried hard to find her true love but there were wars everywhere. She got a chance to enter the palace but there were lots of girls envying for her beauty.
It seems like she had a wonderful life. Actually, she got nothing in the end. The girl was pure at the first. After lots of years, she experienced so many things and she grew up. She tried hard to find her true love but there were wars everywhere. She got a chance to enter the palace but there were lots of girls envying for her beauty.
Story in song-Someone Like You
Someone Like You (From 201 group 5 Jackson Draven Willy Andy)
A boy was dating a girl who always hurt him. One day, she broke up with him and told him, "I don't ever want to see you again."
A boy was dating a girl who always hurt him. One day, she broke up with him and told him, "I don't ever want to see you again."
A few months later, the girl had a ill of her body. She realized that she loved the boy, so she went back and said to him, "Give me just one more chance. I love you and I need you. I promise that I will never hurt you again."
Story in song : Rude
Magic Band-Rude(from 201 group 7 子媛, 梓容, Kitty)
It is a story
about a man who want to marry his girlfriend, but his girlfriend’s father didn’t
like that man because the man is too poor to support a home to his daughter and
a family. Therefore, his girlfriend’s father was always rude to him. One day,
the man wanted to give his girlfriend a surprise, so he got up early and wore
on his best suit, looking very different from before. Then, he drove a fast an
arrow on fire to her home.
2015年11月21日 星期六
Story in song: 知足
知足- Mayday (from 201 group 4 Joan, Eva, Sheena and Candy)
The girl had impaired hearing and could hear vaguely. She didn't have any friends. Everyone laughed at her because she could not hear people talking well. Although the girl could not hear well, she liked sounds. Flute playing fron the distance, cicada on the tree, basketball shooting into the basket. What she only could do was taking a recorder to record these sounds. Then she listened to that carefully close to her ear. The boy knew the girl's difficulty. He played the flute next to her ear. He shot the basketball into the basket for the girl. He made a lot of sounds which the girl wanted. The boy liked the girl. He wanted to protect her and went everywhere with the girl. The girl grew up day by day, with the boy's company.
The girl had impaired hearing and could hear vaguely. She didn't have any friends. Everyone laughed at her because she could not hear people talking well. Although the girl could not hear well, she liked sounds. Flute playing fron the distance, cicada on the tree, basketball shooting into the basket. What she only could do was taking a recorder to record these sounds. Then she listened to that carefully close to her ear. The boy knew the girl's difficulty. He played the flute next to her ear. He shot the basketball into the basket for the girl. He made a lot of sounds which the girl wanted. The boy liked the girl. He wanted to protect her and went everywhere with the girl. The girl grew up day by day, with the boy's company.
Story in songs: She will be loved
(from 204 group 3 Brian Bill Saxon Edwin)
There is a tragic story in the song. A
stupid boy fell in love with a glamorous girl. He always paid love for the girl
but didn’t get the girl’s return. And the girl only thought of the boy when she
was sad. However, the boy still loves the girl even though the girl will always
regard him as a good friend.The lyrics of this song are quite moving. Those who have experienced of having a crush on someone must be able to fully appreciate this song. So sad!
Great Recording from 201 Sheena and 204 Nicole

Imagine you are a news report on a radio!!

Nicole's recording "Annabel Lee"
Very touching and enchanting reading of the love poem...
Story in songs: You Belong With Me
(from 204 Group7 Stephanie Alice Susan David)
In a town lives a
girl name Amy. She is an ordinary girl with a typical life. At the age of sixteen,
she found herself falling in love with her childhood partner – Tom, who live next
door. But Tom just see her as a close friend, and doesn’t want to date with her.

One typical night, as Amy is doing her homework
in her room, she looks out of the window and finds that Tom is arguing with
someone. “Maybe it is his girlfriends.” says Amy. With a curious heart she
sends a text to him and ask “What’s wrong?”
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